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Certified Applicants:
Please submit professional resumes to:
Mr. Rick Green, Superintendent
Calico Rock Public Schools
P.O. Box 220
Calico Rock, AR 72519
Classified Applicants:
Please complete the following forms and return to the Superintendent's Office or mail them to:
Mr. Rick Green, Superintendent
Calico Rock Public Schools
P.O. Box 220
Calico Rock, AR 72519
Classified Employee Application | |
Employment Eligibility Verification Form | W-4 Form |
*It is the policy of the Calico Rock School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, qualified handicap or veteran.
Employment Opportunities
Currently fully staffed
- Applicants please apply by email to Anita Nordrum, Calico Rock High School Principal anordrum@calico.k12.ar.us You may call with any questions at 870-297-3745.
Currently fully staffed
- Applicants please apply by email to Bailey Whiteaker, Calico Rock Elementary School Principal bwhiteaker@calico.k12.ar.us You may call with any questions at 870-297-8533.