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High School Library Media Center
CRHS Library Media Center
Hours: 7:45-3:30 Monday-Friday
Melissa Cooper Library Media Specialist
Please schedule meetings, events, and activities in the Library Media Center in advance.
The Calico Rock High School Library Media Center provides access to information for all students.
Media contact: Melissa Cooper Calico Rock School District Library/Media Specialist 870-297-8533 dcooper@calico.k12.ar.us
Destiny OnlineDestiny Online allows students to search the Calico Rock High School Library Media Center online catalog for books and materials in the local collection. Students may then visit the LMC to obtain these materials.
Digital eBooks, Audiobooks and Video Calico Rock Public Schools has partnered with Learning Ally, a nonprofit organization, to support struggling readers! WHY?
"Free Digital Access to Science News magazine: https://www.sciencenews.org/ Please contact the library media specialist for login information"
The Traveler Online Database
It's a free resource site that has access to K-8 World Book, Ebsco, Proquest and many other research sites. FREE for Arkansas residents and provided by AR State Library in cooperation with the State Dept. of Education.
This free online service will help your students prepare for the driver knowledge test and become safe drivers.
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