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Archive: January 2025
Congratulations Jr. High Quiz Bowl

The Jr. High Quiz Bowl Team competed in the 1A Northeast Regional Tournament at Concord High School on Friday............

After a day of tough competition, the team placed third, which qualifies them for the 1A State Tournament to be held at UACCM (Morrilton) on Saturday, February 15.

Aiden Nickel was named to the All-Tournament Team, finishing second among all players.  In Game 2, Aiden correctly answered an astounding 16 questions, more than any other player answered in a single game today!

Mr. Duffie would like to sincerely thank Mrs. Leisha McCoy for always supporting our team, and for acting as a judge.

Congratulations to all of the JHQB players, and we are very proud of your effort today.  Now let's get ready for the State Tournament.

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Cheer Tryouts

Now taking applications for the 25-26 high school cheerleaders. Use the following link to apply:

Congratulations Jr. Beta Members
Look at this list of winners we had at the elementary/jr. beta competition!!!!
Kenzley Brandon - 1st place Jr. Fiber Arts
Scarlett Stowers - 5th place Jr. Painting
Juliana Brandon - 5th place Jr. Pottery
Roseanna Speirs - 4th place Jr. Quilling
Marci Lewis & Alba Hale - 4th place Jr. Club Trading Pin
Jace Hicks - 4th place in 5th grade Language Arts
Asher Broadus - 2nd place in 5th grade Math
Hadley Harris - 1st place Elm. Color Photography
Zoey Linker - 1st place Elm. Digitally Enhanced Photography
Asher Broadus - 3rd place Elm. Drawing
Hannah Broadus -1st place Elm. Fiber Arts
Layleigh Goggans - 5th place Elm. Hand Drawn Anime
Case Franks - 1st place Elm. Mixed Media
Kolter Branscum - 2nd place Elm. Recyclable Art
Emmit Moser - 3rd place Elm. Sculpture
Hannah Broadus - Elementary Best of Show
Cora Roof, Zoe Sanders, Oliver Nickel - 2nd place Elm. Accessorized Design
Hudson Orf, Carter Grigg, Asher Broadus Koah Dockins, Jase Hicks - 5th place Elm. Book Battle
Knox Rush, Koah Dockins, Brently Neathery, Carter Grigg, Hudson Orf - 3rd place Elm. Engineering
Emmit Moser, Case Franks, Asher Broadus, Walker Wilson, Kolter Branscum - 2nd place Elm. Robotics
Ally Hardman, Lawren Lindsey, Jace Hicks - 5th place Elm. 3D Design.
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Congratulations Caroline Mitchell

Caroline Mitchell qualified to compete at the Senior Beta National Convention this summer!

Way to go!

Little Dribblers Perform Thursday 01/30

The Little Dribblers will perform on Thursday, 01/30. They will not be performing on Tuesday. 

Apples at the Food Room!


Fresh Gala Apples, 3 lb Bag

There are lots of cases of apples at the food room that just got delivered.  They need people to come and get apples today!  

The food room is located on Hwy 56, between the elementary school and Hwy 5.  Help yourself to some great produce.

Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!!


Senior Night

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Board Meeting

Board meeting Monday, January 27 @ High School starting at 5:30.

Dolph Bus Route Running Late

The Dolph bus route will be running about 30 minutes late this morning Monday, January 27.

Bowling today venue change

The bowling venue for the meet today,  1/22/25,  has been changed to Frontier Lanes in Highland.  Warm ups will begin at 4:15 and then the meet will start.

Jr. Beta Student Bags

Thank you to Ozarka College for student bags!! Thank you Harps Food Stores - Calico Rock, AR and First National Bank of Izard County for filling our snack bags! It is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your continued support for our students!!


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Thank You Mike Watson-State Farm Insurance

Thank you Mike Watson - State Farm Insurance Agent for sponsoring our Elementary/Jr. Beta dinner last night!!! It is very much appreciated it!! Thank you for all you do to support our students!


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WASH Cancelled for Wednesday January 22

There will be NO WASH on Wednesday, January 22 due to the cold temperature.

Homecoming Royalty
Homecoming 2025
Queen Lucie Stassen
King Luis Lima
7th grade- Ariston Lester and Kenzley Brandon
8th grade- Carter Wilson and Briley Sanders
9th grade- Franky Sanders and Jaelyn Whiteaker
10th grade- Cody Healey and Lakota Zachary
11th grade- Cole Hendrix and Emily Arnold
12th grade- Landon Russell, Ashlyn Mann, Luis Lima, Alia Kearbey, Luke Moody, Lucie Stassen

Culp Bus Running 1 Hour Late This Morning

The Culp Bus will be about an hour late this morning.

Homecoming Friday, January 17

Homecoming will be on Friday, January the 17th.

Games will be against Timbo 1-2-3

Sr. Beta will have a silent auction @ the ballgame.

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Homecoming Week Dress Up Days

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School Update Make-Up Day Monday



❄️Highway routes will continue this afternoon. We will drive some side roads this evening after HOPEFULLY some melting has occurred.
❄️Make up day for this past Friday will be Monday, January 20th as determined by our calendar for this school year!
Thank you!

Silent Auction Friday Night

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Buses Run Snow Routes/Highway Wednesday

Calico Rock School will start at regular time tomorrow (Wednesday) January 15. 

Buses will run snow routes/highways only.

Highway/Snow Routes Only Tuesday

Calico Rock School will start at regular time tomorrow (Tuesday) January 14. 

Buses will run snow routes/highways only.

School Monday Regular Time Snow Routes

Calico Rock School will start at regular time tomorrow (Monday) January 13. 

Buses will run snow routes only.



There will be NO SCHOOL at Calico Rock on Friday, January 10 due to weather.


Basketball Games for Thursday and Friday Will be Rescheduled

Due to incoming weather, Thursday night's games at Viola and Friday night's games at Rural Special will be rescheduled.  

BEAR & EAGLE Bus leaving at 1:45 and NO SCHOOL TMRW

We are sending two buses home early today.  The Bear and the Eagle bus, which are our longest routes, will be leaving at 1:45 to take students home.  

There will be no school tomorrow, Friday, January 10th!

Games Rescheduled

Due to incoming weather, Thursday Night's games at Viola and Friday night's games at Rural Special will be rescheduled. 

Superintendents Message About Weather


WASH Starts January 15th

WASH will start back on January the 15th.

See you then!

Welcome back to the new year and new semester!!

2025 is here!  

We have a teacher in-service day on Monday, students will return on Tuesday for classes.  

We are looking forward to a great Spring Semester!  

Keep watch on the weather for the upcoming week.  Stay safe!