The services for Coach Harold Ray Jeffrey will be held in the Calico Rock High School Gymnasium today at 10:00 a.m. Services will be livestreamed on the Calico Rock High School Facebook Page if you are unable to attend in person.
The Calico Rock School District wishes the community a Happy Holiday season. We want everyone to enjoy this time of year with friends and family but remember to practice essential COVID precautions so that you have a safe and healthy holiday.
The Calico Rock School District will be on Christmas Break from December, 20-31.
Classes will resume for the second semester on January, 3.
We will be sending out double bags on Thursday because there will be no deliveries over the holiday break.
There will be frozen food in this delivery, so please make sure someone is at home or have a container there that we can put it in so it will not ruin.
Happy Holidays! See you on Thursday.
Reminder - Tomorrow is the last day to bring in Tornado Relief items for Buffalo Island Central Schools Monette, AR
Calico Rock School District is offering our assistance and
support for the tornado victims at Monette, AR.
Let's see which class can gather the most items by this
Thursday morning, December 16th.
Suggested items:
Canned goods
Non-Perishable food items
New packaged undergarments
Unopened new toys
P.S. Elementary will be providing a pizza party for the
the classroom that supplies the most items.
Due to a conflict in scheduling, after-school tutoring at the Elementary campus has been canceled for tomorrow Thursday, December 16. Thank you.
Book Club members spent the past 9 weeks playing Wordcraft, an online game that focuses on Greek and Latin roots to expand the students' vocabularies. We had 10 games and played at least one per week. Winners were: Emma Colbert with 463 words mastered, Lane Stanford with 242 words mastered, and Carolina Brown with 217 words mastered. Over 25 students participated. Congratulations Book Club members!
The elementary dance team will not meet this evening, only the high school team will meet. Thanks!
Tornado Relief
Buffalo Island Central Schools
Monette, AR
Calico Rock School District is offering our assistance and
support for the tornado victims at Monette, AR.
Let's see which class can gather the most items by this
Thursday morning, December 16th.
Suggested items:
Canned goods
Non-Perishable food items
New packaged undergarments
Unopened new toys
P.S. Elementary will be providing a pizza party for the
the classroom that supplies the most items.
There will be no Elementary KIAP this Thursday due to the Elementary Christmas Program which will start at 6:00 pm.
Tutoring for tomorrow Thursday, December 9 has been canceled due to the Elementary Christmas concert at 6:00 PM in the auditorium.
Elementary G.T is hosting a Winter Coat, Gloves, and Hat Drive. We want the whole school to help us gather these items. We will put a large box in front of the office for you to put these items in.
It will start Thursday, December 9th, and will end on Wednesday, December 15th.
We will accept NEW or USED coats, gloves, and hats, but they will need to be washed and in good condition. We will accept all sizes.
FCCLA will hold their annual Basket Bingo on Friday, December 3.
Everyone is welcome to attend this fundraising event.
Concession stand will be available for food.
Starts at 6:00 p.m. at the high school cafeteria.
The Calico Rock High School has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as a school that is Beating the Odds, because students demonstrated high growth on the ACT Aspire even though the school serves a high percentage of students who participate in Free and Reduced Lunch! As you may know, the OEP creates an annual report entitled the Outstanding Educational Performance Awards, recognizing schools with high student growth. We think growth is the best indicator of the positive impact that your school is having on students.
Calico received the following "Beating the Odds" awards:
High Math Growth: High School Level (Northeast Region)
High ELA Growth: High School Level (Northeast Region)
Awards are based on the 2021 content growth score calculated by the Arkansas Department of Education. These growth scores reflect how much students at the school improved from 2019 compared to how much they were expected to grow. The Office for Education Policy Recognizes schools based on Overall growth, as well as for growth in Math and English Language Arts separately.
We congratulate you on this accomplishment and hope that you will share this good news with teachers, students, and others who contributed to your school's success.
Congratulations again on "Beating the Odds"!
Izard County Invitational Basketball Tournament
@ Izard County High School December 4-11
At the beginning of November the adults at the high school were challenged to walk 30 miles in November, which would be a mile a day. Nearly all took on the challenge and even went above and beyond the 30 miles.
Izard County Community Medical Center and GTS Therapy joined me as we kept our people motivated to keep moving throughout the month of November. Thank you to both of these organizations for all your help this month.
Yesterday we handed out T-Shirts to all who participated, provided by GTS Therapy. Everyone was excited to get the reminder of what they had accomplished! We couldn't get everyone together for a picture but when you see people wearing these shirts you know they are walking their way to better health!