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Archive: August 2021
Substitute Teacher Opportunity

Calico Rock Public schools is currently seeking qualified applicants for the position of substitute teacher.  If interested, click the link below to print and fill out an application. You may drop off your application at central office at the Elementary campus.

For further information contact central office at 297-8339.

School Board Meeting

Monday, August 23 in the superintendents office.

Reminder! Student drop off...things to remember.

Morning student drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. each morning.  This when they will be able to enter the building.  

Also, please remember it is state law to NOT be on your cell phone while driving in the school zone.  This is for the safety of all involved.  

We had a great first week!  Let's make it a great year.


Free Student Meals

The Calico Rock School District is pleased to announce that USDA has authorized all meals served in the 2021-2022 school year to be at no cost to the students.

However, we need all families to continue to fill out and return meal applications just as you have in the past. Your school district could potentially receive federal dollars based on the number of students who are eligible for free or reduced meals. In other words, the more students who are eligible, the more federal dollars the district receives to pay for things like tutoring and technology. Pandemic-EBT cards could potentially be determined based on free or reduced meal status for the 2022 summer.

If you need assistance with the application contact Stacy Sherrill at the high school (870)-297-3745, Julie Hargett at the elementary (870)-297-8533 or Chelsie Moss at the central office (870)-297-8339. As always, we are glad to help our Pirate families.

Thank you for your support!

COVID-19 Precaution Plan

On August 12, 2021 the Calico Rock Board of Directors adopted the following Covid-19 Precautions Plan.

Calico Rock School District Covid-19 Precautions Plan


Purpose:  The intent of the plan is to provide guidance for the Calico Rock School District regarding the use of Covid-19 precautions based on the prevalence of Covid-19 within the Calico Rock School District.

Reason:  The health and welfare of the Calico Rock students, staff and the community are a priority due to the potential effects of Covid-19.  Also, the prevalence of Covid-19 and the high rate of transmission of the new Delta variant puts our students at higher risk than before.  Onsite instruction is the more effective method to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of our students.  The wearing of mask/face coverings is one tool that reduces the chance of exposure and lowers the rate of transmission when worn properly (covering the nose and mouth).

Source: Data to guide the parameters of the plan will be reviewed by the administrative team utilizing  and/or as its primary data sources.  This guideline is subject to adjustments based on guidelines received from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Standard Precautions:  At all levels of risk, classrooms should continue to emphasize the use of washing hands, barriers, daily screening for Covid-19 symptoms, physical distancing, and thorough disinfecting of facilities and buses.

Who:  All staff K-12 and students of K-12.

What:  Wearing of mask/face-coverings for the Calico Rock School District.

Where:  Masks/face-coverings at all Calico Rock School District indoor venues including transportation on buses and when physical distancing of 3-6 feet or more is not an option.  Athletic activities and music practice and competition are exempt from indoor masking: rigorous exercise in P.E. or recess are exempt from indoor masking.

When:  The Calico Rock Schools mask/face-coverings plan for indoor venues will continue until further notice. 

At this time the American Pediatric Association recommends starting school with mask or face coverings required.  Also, Izard County is considered to be at a high risk based on the number of cases in the county.

However, we are looking forward to the day when face coverings will no longer be needed.
Remember, stay safe, wash your hands or use sanitizer frequently, mask up and/or physical distance when possible. 
Free vaccines are available at your local pharmacy.
Jerry Skidmore, Superintendent
Calico Rock School District


Food deliveries are underway

The weekly food deliveries are underway.  Please watch for the delivery people and help them when you can.

Free Pfizer COVID vaccinations

Free Pfizer COVID vaccinations will be available to anyone 12 years of age and older tomorrow (Thursday, August 12) at the high school during open house from 3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. provided by Park Street Pharmacy.

Those under 18 must have a parent or guardian present to sign for consent.

Called Board Meeting

There will be a called school board meeting at the elementary library on Thursday, August 12 @ 5:30.

Virtual Students in Grades 7-12 Contact High School ASAP

If you would like your high school student to be virtual this semester, please contact the high school no later than Thursday. Students that choose virtual will be receiving their instruction through Virtual Arkansas teachers- not Calico Rock High School teachers. Students who start virtual will be able to move to on campus instruction if needed. Students who start on campus will remain on campus until the end of the 1st semester. 

Open House is Thursday from 3-6 pm. Any virtual student that would like to pick up their Chromebook may do so at open house. 

Food deliveries are underway

The teams have left for the food deliveries for today. 

Calico Rock K-6 Virtual Students


The Calico Rock elementary students in grade K-6 who are attending virtual this year will have a meeting on Monday, August 9 at 10 am in the Elementary School Cafeteria to discuss supplies and procedures. The representative will also show students how to access classes and assignments.


Students will be receiving their curriculum from the Northcentral Arkansas Education Service Cooperative and not the Calico Rock School District.


Students will be able to switch from virtual learning to in person learning on the Calico Rock Elementary Campus. 


Students will be required to login to a specific website and will be required to meet with the teachers weekly.  Therefore, a good internet connection and electronic device is required.


Accommodations will be provided for students and they will be required to complete standardized testing on site at the school district during their assigned time and date.


Northcentral Arkansas Education Service Cooperative has hired teachers for the K-6 virtual learning students for the 2021-2022 school year and students will be in contact with those teachers for their curriculum and lessons, not the teachers at Calico Rock Elementary.


For more information call: 870-297-8533. Please contact the school by close of business today August 5, 2021.

Open House

The school year is almost here!

Open house will be August 12, from 3-6 pm.  It will be held outside this year at both the elementary and high school campuses.

Virtual School Information

If you are interested in virtual school for your child in grades K-6, please call the elementary school office at 297-8533 before 3 pm on Thursday, August 5.