He budgets his time wisely and, because of this, he is able to excel not only inside the classroom, but with his many extracurricular activities as well. John David is an excellent model for his fellow students, and he helps his classmates with their assignments when asked. He is always polite and respectful to me, and I enjoy having him in my classroom!
Crystal Burch- 12th grade
Cassidy Mendez-11th grade
Kinadee Lemon- 7th grade
A 2 year vision was presented to the CRHS student body to paint interactive murals throughout Calico Rock to promote tourism and community involvement. Maddie Thornton volunteered on behalf of the Gifted & Talented students, to speak as a student advocate to present the idea to the City Council. Maddie and Mrs. Pool came up with different mural ideas to be painted over a period of time. Mayor Greg Hamby volunteered the City Hall building for the first 2-3 interactive murals. This Fall, the CRHS GT will join forces with the Art Teacher, Mr. Baker, to begin the project. The council voted unanimously in support of this project. The first 2 murals will be 2 sets of wings and a fun fishing scenery. More to come in 2021!
The Calico Rock School District is pleased to announce that USDA has authorized all meals served in August to be at no cost to the students because the Calico Rock School District was approved for the Seamless Summer program earlier this year! We will be serving meals to all students at no cost as long as funds are available until December 31, 2020!
However, we need all families to continue to fill out and return meal applications just as you have in the past. Your school district receives federal dollars based on the number of students who are eligible for free or reduced meals. In other words, the more students who are eligible, the more federal dollars the district receives to pay for things like tutoring and technology.
If you need assistance with the application contact Stacy Sherrill at the high school (870)-297-3745, Julie Hargett at the elementary (870)-297-8533 or Chelsie Moss at the central office (870-297-8339. As always, we are glad to help our Pirate families.
Thank you for your support.
If you have not filled out your 2020-21 lunch form, please do so as soon as possible. School lunch forms are filled out each year to reflect the current status of the household. The following information is being provided as a guide to aide you in completing the form. If you are in need of additional information or forms, please contact the High School @ 870-297-3745 or the Elementary @ 870-297-8533. Thank you for your cooperation.
From FFA Club:
Concerns surrounding the health and safety of our community have weighed heavily on our organization. We always look forward to hosting the FFA rodeo every year...However, this year with so much uncertainty and health concerns, the Calico Rock FFA is cancelling our Rodeo event. We hope to come back even bigger and better next year! We pray that everyone stays safe and healthy! As always we appreciate the support of our community and hope to see you all soon!
Calico Rock School District Provides Hand Soap
Frequent hand washing has been determined to be one method of slowing the spread of COVID-19 in addition to wearing a face covering and social distancing. In an attempt to help our community, slow the spread of the virus, the Calico Rock School District has secured approximately 2,800 bottles of hand soap to be distributed to our students, faculty and staff at no charge. They will be distributed next week. Thank you for your efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Remember, wash your hands frequently, wear face coverings and social distance whenever possible.
Thank you for your support.
Jerry Skidmore, Superintendent
Calico Rock School District
There will be no school on Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day.
Although students will receive meals at no charge through December 31, 2020, it is imperative that parents continue completing and submitting free and reduced meal applications. State and federal funds received by our district, are determined by the free and reduced percentages collectively from meal applications. Families who have not completed a meal applications are strongly encouraged to do so.
Parents, please do not drop off students before 7:30. They will not be permitted in the building until that time and due to social distancing expectations they are not to congregate outside the doors. The doors will open at 7:30. Car Rider dismissal will begin at 3:00. If you need your child or children before that time, please contact the office @ 870-297-8533.
Thank you for you patience and cooperation.
There will be no golf matches today.
Tuesday September 8th at 6:00 p.m. (TODAY) we will have our first booster club meeting of the year. Please plan on attending the meeting to help plan for the upcoming year.
The meeting will be in the high school cafeteria.