The Calico Rock School District is pleased to announce that USDA has authorized all meals served in August to be at no cost to the students because the Calico Rock School District was approved for the Seamless Summer program earlier this year! We will be serving meals to all students at no cost as long as funds are available until December 31, 2020!
However, we need all families to continue to fill out and return meal applications just as you have in the past. Your school district receives federal dollars based on the number of students who are eligible for free or reduced meals. In other words, the more students who are eligible, the more federal dollars the district receives to pay for things like tutoring and technology.
If you need assistance with the application contact Stacy Sherrill at the high school (870)-297-3745, Julie Hargett at the elementary (870)-297-8533 or Chelsie Moss at the central office (870-297-8339. As always, we are glad to help our Pirate families.
Thank you for your support.