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Prayers from Pirate Nation to our neighboring Panthers

Words cannot fill the void created by the loss of a loved one, much less the loss of an icon. 

Bobby D. Hulse was an icon to the Panther Nation.  He came to Norfork as the high school principal my senior year in 1980-81.  He remained there as principal for the next 40 years shaping lives of both students and teachers alike.  He was my high school principal for only one year, however, he made an impact that has lasted a lifetime.  Mrs. Nordrum was more fortunate,  as she had the experience of having him as her principal for 6 years.

As a neighboring school many of our students, coaches, teachers and administrators have come in contact with Mr. Hulse over the years. It was easy to see his impact on Norfork schools, students, and community. 

The Pirate Nation is keeping Norfork in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the loss of a leader.

Jerry Skidmore
