Keeley Pool is a senior at Calico Rock High School that is determined to make a positive change in this world. Knowing how difficult the end of last year was as well as going into her senior year with so many restrictions, she wanted to help others get through this time by spreading a little positivity. She knows all too well that we all have bad days, but it always makes her feel better and have a more positive outlook on each day by brightening someone else's day. At the beginning of this school year, she decided to start Random Acts of Kindness and challenged others to pay it forward. She started the year off by putting small bags of candy and a Random Acts of Kindness note and challenge on every student's locker as well as every school employee's door. The love didn't stop there. She has extended this project to her job, church, ball teams, and most recently to the entire Calico Rock Elementary School. Keeley sent a letter out to all of the elementary students asking them to Bee the Change and Be Kind. The students were asked to bring in change for a week. The winning class would receive popcorn, a drink, and an extra recess provided by Keeley herself. The challenge was accepted and the students were buzzing about this competition all week long. Keeley explained to them that all of the money that was brought in would be donated to the Calico Rock Bridges program. By the end of the week, Keeley and the elementary students raised $1000.27! She went back to each class and thanked the students personally and wanted to encourage them to always have a giving heart and that each day there are opportunities for us to help others if we will just look for them.
Bridges is a local non-profit organization that serves the students and their families in the Calico Rock School District. The program is there to Bridge the Gap between need and education for those students in K-12. This could be by providing food, clothing, school supplies, help with bills, medical expenses, travel to doctors appointments, ect. Currently the program is sending home food backpacks to approximately 70 children a week and serving over 30 families in our school district. We also have an onsite room that has clothing and hygiene necessities readily available to the students. We are so thankful for the generosity of individuals and community organizations that support this program. The program is ran solely on donation and grants that are applied for and volunteers that donate their time and services.